There are lots of bad examples for us to see. It is irresponsible for a government to just look at short-term benefits but turns a blind eye to the long term risks and its costs, leaving the problems to our future generations to suffer. These risks are real. Unlike risks of ordinary projects, the probability of having accidents and disasters is high (including human errors, wars and the effects of natural disasters). The damages to human and wildlife are enormous. The costs are immeasurable.
We should be looking closely at how renewables only are working overseas. Despite leading the G20 in renewables the UK government had realised it is not working and is now looking to roll out nuclear as quickly as it can. What happens if by 2050 we realise renewables alone will not meet our targets and we have failed to start a nuclear program like so much of the world is doing.
The rest of the world is unlilely to be wrong. There is for example a worldwide interest In developing SMRs
The time, energy and effort required to set this up means that we would be behind before we even start. If Nuclear Fusion became an option we might consider it then.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation